The next race in North Shore Striders Grand Prix is this Saturday, May 2nd at 10 am and is the NECC Campus Classic in Haverhill.
You have to pay your 2015 NSS dues ($25 for an individual; $35 for a family) before the race to be added to a team in the Grand Prix.
You can join on-line.
Or if you want to hand your check or cash to our treasurer, Armand, he will be at the race and will be happy to receive your payment prior to 9:45 am. (Armand is running the race and needs time to warm up before the race.)
The race web site: http://www.necc.mass.edu/campus-classic/
Third race in NSS Grand Prix:
Chelsea Chase 5K on Saturday, May 9 at 10 am.
Start & Finish at the Dockside in Chelsea Market Basket Plaza. Post-event Celebration sponsored by Dockside Restaurant and Bar Chelsea, includes lunch and 2 drink tix for all registered runners.
Dory Run
Volunteer Only or Volunteer & Run or just Run (if we have enough volunteers) for 10 team points: Memorial Day, Monday May 25: Dory Run in Swampscott.
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