Written by Mariellen Hayward
One of the BEST runs ever! I had planned to run the last leg of the One Run For Boston with Rosie Kyes, Rachael Stafford, Jayne Sexton and Lanse Stover on June 30th. Our leg was from Newton to Boston starting at 7pm. We got an email at 3:00 stating that they were running behind schedule and our leg wouldn’t start till 11:30. Being the troopers that we Striders are, we all agreed we were up for an adventure! At 9:00 pm we left Peabody to head to Copley Square where we were leaving the car. From there we hopped on the T and headed to Newton. Thank God Lanse knows his way around – who knows where we would have ended up without him!! I don’t think they had the anticipated 650 runners, but there were still 300 – 400. Everyone was excited and looking forward to this special run. AnnaJean and Marisol met us at the start in time to join the fun! We got off around 11:35 and followed the last 7.5 miles of the marathon course. I did not get past mile 21 (Boston College) on 4/15/13 so most of the route was new to me. It was moving and emotional, and made me so much more determined to do the entire race next April. We had a little rain (nothing like the Wiener Run!) that helped to cool us off. At 1:00am when we headed home we all were wet and happy…………………at 2:30 when I finally went to bed I was still happy………at 6:00 when the alarm went off to get up for work I was wondering what I had been thinking! Some of our craziest experiences bring the best memories. Thank you, fellow runners, for a wonderful night!
Thanks so much for the recap, Mariellen. It must’ve been amazing! You lot really are troopers! I’m so glad you got to do it. You’re right about the craziest experiences bringing the best memories! You’ll catch up on sleep (eventually), but you’ll always have the memory of honoring the 2013 Boston Marathon in a remarkable way. Cheers!
Well said Maryellen! It was a wonderful night!
It was wonderful to read this account, Maryellen, and thank you for posting it. The Striders are truly a cut above the norm, and all of you demonstrated it once again in your midnight run. I’m so proud to belong to this running club. Nice work, all of you.