Louise Rossetti 22nd Annual 5K Women’s Road Race, June 17, 2015
This was the first Louise Rossetti MEMORIAL race as our friend passed away nearly a year ago – but we remember her presence at last year’s race! There was a very solid gathering of walkers and runners and we were all urged to think about Louise and her contributions as we ran.
It was a beautiful evening for running – upper 60’s partially cloudy. It was very (thankfully) different from some past Louise Rossetti races when the temps were in the upper 80’s and lower 90’s with high dew points! We had a fairly strong number of North Shore Striders running, many styling in our new singlets. We didn’t let the club down. Here’s a tally:
- Vanessa Freedman placed 20th overall, 3rd in a group of 8 in a blazing 23:12.
- Lauren Hamilton placed 22nd overall, 3rd in a group of 44 in a speedy 23:14.
- Vanessa Diranian placed 49th overall, 15th in a group of 55 in a fast 25:35.
- Mariellen Hayward placed 52nd overall, 7th in a group of 44 in a superb 25:54.
- Eunice Panetta placed 55th overall, 14 in a group of 47, in a wonderful 26:01.
- Denise Young placed 64th overall, 8th in a group of 44 in a near PR of 26:43.
- Linda Desjardins placed 69th overall, 1st in a group of 15, in a happy 27:14.
- Natalia Kay placed 73rd overall, 4th in a group of 13, in a spiffy 27:25.
- Sarah Shepard placed 79th overall, 25th in a group of 55, under 9’s in 27:40.
- Marianna Kay placed 89th overall, 7th in a group of 10, in an impressive 28:27.
- Halyna Kay placed 103rd overall, 33 in a group of 55, in a respectable 29:33.
- Nancy Giannone placed 166th overall, 9th in a group of 15, in a pleasing 34:48.
- Nancy Wilson placed 209th overall, 1st in her over 80 age group, in a great 49:01.
The top five women also combined to give the North Shore Striders’ Women’s Team, and the announcer said “to no one’s surprise,” (except ours, honestly), first place! There was confusion regarding the team members as the post entry didn’t have a spot for a team name and we tried to remedy that after the race and add NSS runners; but now it appears we missed Eunice in the tally and her name is not listed with the women’s team on Cool Running. We did our best to be inclusive! Sorry.
The North Shore Striders also had several volunteers representing: Armand Claveau, Rosie Kyes, and Neil Bernstein. Our good friend, Roger Perham, was there, as always, snapping photos. And Dave Jeffska and the New England Running Company were very generous in providing gift certificate awards.
DISCLAIMER: I apologize if I’ve missed anyone. I don’t know everyone in the club and tried to go by the membership page and Grand Prix standings to identify Striders. And I’m unsure on whether there were other volunteers as I had pre-race jitters and post-race amnesia. Please do add your names in “replies” and feel free to yell at me!
Linda Desjardins
Thanks for the great write-up Linda. You are the best!
We have wonderful club members. It’s a pleasure – and an honor. I just fear errors of omission – and I saw later that I missed several volunteers – but I don’t know them so I wouldn’t know they were NSS volunteers. Sigh. I wanted to get it right!
But hey – all in all – the NSS had a great night.
I volunteered as well. And a huge thank you to Race Director and fellow Strider Jill Page for putting on this great race every year, and her husband Mike, who timed the event and started this race (with several others) way back when!
I’ll add in my name to the list of volunteers too. 🙂