The 2013 NSS Grand Prix series wrapped up this past Sunday with the 2nd Annual Festivus 5K. The weather was downright balmy for mid-December, and there was a great turnout of runners – many in their finest holiday costumes – for the race. At the warm and cozy after-party at Finz, many of the age group awards were handed out among our team. Dan Forster was the first Strider to jet over the finish line in an amazing time of 19:11, taking 1st place in his division. Not far behind, the Brothers Kay (Sean and Aidan) outpaced their competition for a 1st and 2nd place finish, respectively. Mike Pelletier and Linda Desjardins also both earned 1sts, Neil Bernstein a 2nd, and I was thrilled to start my new age group off with a 3rd place! It was a terrific race, and a really fun capper for a great year of racing!
Final points for the 2013 Grand Prix have now been posted. Please check out the results, and if you have any questions or think there are any errors, please contact Karen Batt.
Thanks for being right on top of scoring and race results. Nice work. Hey, our team inched out a win for the season! Whoo-hoo.