The Striders had a great run at the Run the Goose 7K race in Gloucester on the Monday holiday, at what could’ve been billed as a swamp/obstacle run. Kate Gage and I got a preview of the race course before the race, so we know what lay in store for the runners – shin deep mud puddles, knee high weeds, and (if you were very unlucky) something left by a dog. Nonetheless, our runners persevered with many placing in their divisions. Brothers Sean and Aidan Kay placed first and second in their division, with sisters Alexandra and Natalia placing second and third in theirs. Nice work, team! Sue Quimby started her new age group on the right foot with a third place finish. Armand Claveau placed second in the M70+ division, with Mike Pelletier taking first place – and finishing with surprisingly clean sneakers. Anne Pelletier placed third in the F60-69 division, and Jennifer O’Neil placed second in the F50-59. Also running the 7K was new member Emily Korriku, who proved in one weekend that she is decidedly not just a fair weather runner, joining a group run in a thunderstorm and then slogging through this muddy race just two days later. I couldn’t help but think that there would’ve been great photo opportunities at some of the bigger puddles, if only someone had been there with a camera. I hope everyone’s sneakers are drying out!
The 25K course had fog and hills, but no puddles. Lauren Hamilton led the Strider women with an impressive finish in 2:14. Way to go, Lauren! Not far behind were Sue Arslanian and Kate Gage at 2:16. Linda Fitzpatrick followed in her daughter Layce’s (first place overall) footsteps to place first in the F60-69 division. Linda Desjardins and Martin Tighe each also earned fourth place in their respective divisions. As for myself, I’d like to thank Tom McMahon and Marisol Ficaro for their company on the run. Their lively and interesting conversation kept the miles clicking by and turned what could’ve been a long and wearisome race into something more like a happy hour (except it was closer to 2.6 hours and we drank Gatorade instead of beer).
You can check out the updated NSS Grand Prix results here. There are also some terrific new photos from the recent Marcia Lemkin race in the photo gallery.
Karen, thanks for the informative and interesting write-ups. I would have liked to see pictures of the Goose but I’m not sorry missed it this year ! Thanks again to you and Marisol for the fun run Around the Cape – best time I’ve had running that course. And may Marisol’s blisters heal quick!
This course was a killer!! I ran half of the course with Mary Meng ( thanks Mary) I had planned to run this course with Karen, Tom and Marsisol but my legs felt like led for the first 4 miles:(
I had a great time with my running peers. Marisol get better soon!