The North Shore Striders 2013 Grand Prix series wraps up in December with a grand finale of not one, not two, but three races within three weeks!
The December races begin just three days after Thanksgiving (December 1st) with the Chanukah Run – a – Latke 5K race in Swampscott. Fueled by your favorite leftover Thanskgiving pie, you’ll enjoy a scenic course, followed by a Chanukah party with fun, donuts, and – of course – hot latkes. This is a very family friendly event, and kids will enjoy Chanukah programming while the adults are out racing, as well as the lighting of the Giant Lego Menorah (how cool is that!?) following the race!
It’s also time to get ready for the Mill Cities Relay on Sunday, December 8, 2013. This exclusive and long-standing favorite relay race is open to running clubs by invitation only. As one of the 22 running clubs in the Mill Cities Alliance, we’re in! Plus, when you volunteer to run on one of our teams, the North Shore Striders will pay your entry fee. This year, runners (and quite probably volunteers as well) will receive a long-sleeved Mill Cities Relay shirt.
Teams must be submitted by the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 29th, so please let Mike Pelletier know as soon as possible if you’d like to run. All teams are organized with car pools and rides so that no Strider is ever left to fend for his or her self, nor does any Strider fail to make a team. We need and want every one of you at the Mill Cities Relay! However, because this relay race is staged on public roads that are not closed, all competitors must be adults (18+). In addition to runners in all age groups, we need volunteers to staff the Sunshine Start and the hand-off at Greater Lowell Technical School from 8 am – 10 am.
After the relay there is a big party with food at the Claddagh Pub in Lawrence which is also free. The only thing which is not free is any beer or alcohol you may wish. That you have to buy.
Last, but not least, come out to air your grievances at the 2nd annual Festivus 5K in Salem on December 15th! This race was a huge hit in its first year, and is already generating a lot of enthusiasm and excitement in its second year. Costumes are encouraged, and runners may be treated to such motivational signs along the course as “I’m very disappointed in you” or “Festivus yes! Bagels no!”. Following the race is an after party at Finz, where race winners will receive their own Festivus poles for their at-home holiday celebrations. Shirts are reserved for the first 400 runners, so get your entry in soon! Volunteers for this event are also needed. If you can help out prior to, or on race day, please contact Rick Johnson.
Great job on updating us and motivating us, Karen. I love your breezy style. Nicely done.
My pleasure. 🙂 Thanks, Linda!
Great write up! Thanks, Karen!